
Hermogenes Scripture - 2 Timothy 1:15

This thou knowest, that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me; of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes....

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Hermogenes in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

her-moj'-e-nez (Hermogenes, literally "born of Hermes," a Greek deity, called by the Romans, "Mercury," 2 Tim 1:15): 1. Where Did He "Turn Away"?: Hermogenes was a Christian, mentioned by Paul as having, along with Phygellus and "all that are in Asia," turned away from him. It is not clear when or where the defection of those Asiatic Christians...

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Hermogenes in Naves Topical Bible

-A Christian, who deserted Paul 2Ti 1:15...

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Hermogenes in Smiths Bible Dictionary

a person mentioned by St. Paul in the latest of all his epistles, 2Ti 1:15 when all in Asia had turned away from him. (A.D. 64.)...

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Hermogenes in Easton's Bible Dictionary

Mercury-born, at one time Paul's fellow-labourer in Asia Minor, who, however, afterwards abandoned him, along with one Phygellus, probably on account of the perils by which they were beset (2 Tim. 1:15)....

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Hermogenes in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

2 Timothy 1:15; "all they which are (now) in Asia (when they were in Rome, or else in Nicopolis where they had escorted him, and where he was apprehended on his way to Rome) turned away from me," "ashamed of my chain," unlike Onesiphorus, not standing by me but forsaking me; 2 Timothy 1:16. "of whom are Hermogenes and Phygellus," specified as ...

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