
Hermippus in Wikipedia

Hermippus was the one-eyed Athenian writer of the Old Comedy who flourished during the Peloponnesian War. He was the son of Lysis, and the brother of the comic poet Myrtilus. He was younger than Telecleides and older than Eupolis and Aristophanes. According to the Suda, he wrote forty plays, and his chief actor was Simeron, according to the scholia...

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Hermippus in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

A Greek poet of the Old Comedy, an elder contemporary of Aristophanes and a bitter opponent of Pericles (Pericl. 32, 33), whose mistress, Aspasia, he prosecuted on a charge of atheism. Only a few fragments of his dramas, as also of his libellous iambic poems, after Archilochus's manner, have been preserved. They are remarkable for the cleverness of...

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