Helios (Sol)

Helios in Wikipedia

In Greek mythology, the sun was personified as Helios (pronounced /ˈhiːli.ɒs/, Greek: Ἥλιος "sun", Latinized as Helius). Homer often calls him simply Titan or Hyperion, while Hesiod (Theogony 371) and the Homeric Hymn separate him as a son of the Titans Hyperion and Theia (Hesiod) or Euryphaessa (Homeric Hymn) and brother of the goddesses Sele...

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Helios in Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology

(*(/Hlios or Ἠέλιος), that is, the sun, or the god of the sun. He is described as the son of Hyperion and Theia, and as a brother of Selene and Eos. (Hom. Od. 12.176, 322, Hymn. in Min. 9, 13; Hes. Th. 371, &c.) From his father, he is frequently called Hyperionides, or Hyperion, the latter of which is an abridged form of the patronymic, Hy...

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