
Heliades in Wikipedia

In Greek mythology, the Heliades ("children of the sun") were the daughters of Helios, the god who drove the sun before Apollo. According to one source, there were three: Aegiale, Aegle, and Aetheria. According to another source, there were five: Helia, Merope, Phoebe, Aetheria, and Dioxippe. The fourth or sixth Heliades was a son called Helia...

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Heliadae in Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology

Heliadae and HELIADES (Ἡλιάδαι and (*Hlia/des), that is, the male and female descendants of Helios, and might accordingly be applied to all his children, but in mythology the name is given particularly to the seven sons and the one daughter of Helios by Rhode or Rhodos. Their names are, Cercaphus, Actis, Macarcus, Tanages, Triopas, Phaeton, O...

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