
Ham in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

ham (cham; Cham): 1. The Youngest Son of Noah: The youngest son of Noah, from whom sprang the western and southwestern nations known to the Hebrews. His name first occurs in Gen 5:32, where, as in 6:10 and elsewhere, it occupies the second place. In Gen 9:18 Ham is described as "the father of Canaan," to prepare the reader for 9:25-27, where N...

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Ham in Naves Topical Bible

-1. Son of Noah Ge 5:32; 9:18,24; 1Ch 1:4 Provokes his father's wrath and is cursed by him Ge 9:18-27 His children Ge 10:6-20; 1Ch 1:8-16 -2. Patronymic of the descendants of Ham 1Ch 4:40; Ps 78:51; 105:23,27; 106:22 -3. Place where Chedorlaomer struck down the Zuzims Ge 14:5...

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Ham in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(hot; sunburnt). 1. The name of one of the three sons of Noah, apparently the second in age. (B.C. 2448.) Of the history of Ham nothing is related except his irreverence to his father and the curse which that patriarch pronounced. The sons of Ham are stated, to have been "Cush and Mizraim and Phut and Canaan." Ge 10:6 comp. 1Chr 1:8 Egypt is...

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Ham in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(hot; sunburnt). 1. The name of one of the three sons of Noah, apparently the second in age. (B.C. 2448.) Of the history of Ham nothing is related except his irreverence to his father and the curse which that patriarch pronounced. The sons of Ham are stated, to have been "Cush and Mizraim and Phut and Canaan." Ge 10:6 comp. 1Chr 1:8 Egypt is...

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Ham in Easton's Bible Dictionary

warm, hot, and hence the south; also an Egyptian word meaning "black", the youngest son of Noah (Gen. 5:32; comp. 9:22,24). The curse pronounced by Noah against Ham, properly against Canaan his fourth son, was accomplished when the Jews subsequently exterminated the Canaanites. One of the most important facts recorded in Gen. 10 is the fou...

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Ham in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

("hot".) 1. The Egyptian. frontKEM.) (Egypt is singularly the land of Ham, Psalm 78:51; Psalm 105:23), "black"; the sun- burnt and those whose soil is black, as Ethiopia means. Father (i.e. ancestor) of Cush (Ethiopia), Mizraim (See EGYPT), Phut (Libya), and Canaan. These mean races. not individuals. Egypt being the first civilized was single...

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