
Gerah in Wikipedia

A gerah Hebrew "גרה" is an ancient Hebrew unit of weight and currency. One gerah is one-twentieth of a shekel. A shekel being 180 barleycorns or 60 carob divided by 20 = 3 carob. This is 0.568 grams. A gerah is in Aramaic a ma'ah "מעה" (pl. ma'ot "מעות" which means "money"). It was originally a fifth of a Denarius/Zuz as seen in Exodus ("20 ge...

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Gerah in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

ge'-ra (gerah, "grain" or "kernel"): A weight, the 20th part of a shekel (Ex 30:13; Lev 27:25; Nu 3:47; 18:16; Ezek 45:12). See WEIGHTS AND MEASURES....

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Gerah in Naves Topical Bible

-A weight equal to thirteen and seven-tenths grains, Paris -Also a coin equivalent to about three cents American money and three half-pence English money Ex 30:13; Le 27:25; Nu 3:47...

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Gerah in Smiths Bible Dictionary


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Gerah in Easton's Bible Dictionary

a bean, probably of the carob tree, the smallest weight, and also the smallest piece of money, among the Hebrews, equal to the twentieth part of a shekel (Ex. 30:13; Lev. 27:25; Num. 3:47). This word came into use in the same way as our word "grain," from a grain of wheat....

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