Festus (Porcius)

Festus Scripture - Acts 25:12

Then Festus, when he had conferred with the council, answered, Hast thou appealed unto Caesar? unto Caesar shalt thou go....

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Festus Scripture - Acts 24:27

But after two years Porcius Festus came into Felix' room: and Felix, willing to shew the Jews a pleasure, left Paul bound....

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Festus Scripture - Acts 25:22

Then Agrippa said unto Festus, I would also hear the man myself. To morrow, said he, thou shalt hear him....

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Festus (Porcius) in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

fes'-tus, por'-shi-us Porkios Phestos): The Roman governor or procurator who succeeded Felix in the province of Judea (Acts 24:27), and was thus brought into prominence in the dispute between Paul and the Sanhedrin which continued after the retirement of Felix (Acts 25; 26). Upon the arrival of Festus in Jerusalem, the official capital of...

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Festus in Naves Topical Bible

Also called PORCIUS FESTUS, the Roman governor of Judaea, and successor to Governor Felix Ac 24:27 -Tries Paul Ac 25:26...

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Festus in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(Festus means festival), successor of Felix as procurator of Judea, Ac 24:27 sent by Nero probably in the autumn of A.D. 60. A few weeks after Festus reached his province he heard the cause of St. Paul, who had been left a prisoner by Felix, in the presence of Herod Agrippa II and Bernice his sister, Ac 25:11,12 Judea was in the same disturbed...

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Festus in Easton's Bible Dictionary

the successor of Felix (A.D. 60) as procurator of Judea (Acts 24:27). A few weeks after he had entered on his office the case of Paul, then a prisoner at Caesarea, was reported to him. The "next day," after he had gone down to Caesarea, he heard Paul defend himself in the presence of Herod Agrippa II. and his sister Bernice, and not findin...

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Festus in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Sent by Nero to succeed Felix as procurator of Judaea, probably in the autumn A.D. 60. To ingratiate himself with the Jews he asked Paul would he go up to Jerusalem for judgment there P But Paul, knowing there was little hope of an impartial trial there, as a Roman citizen appealed to Caesar (Acts 25-26). A few weeks afterward he gave Paul's ...

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