Ethiopian eunuch

Ethiopian eunuch in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

e-thi-o'-pi-an u'-nuk eunouchos): A man who occupied a leading position as treasurer at the court of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, and who was converted and baptized by Philip the deacon (Acts 8:27-39). Being a eunuch, he was not in the full Jewish communion (compare Dt 23:1), but had gone up to Jerusalem to worship, probably as a pro...

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Ethiopian eunuch in Smiths Bible Dictionary

a Jewish proselyte, Ac 8:26 etc., who was treasurer of Candace queen of Ethiopia, but who was converted to Christianity on a visit to Jerusalem, through philip the evangelist. Nothing is known of him after his return to Ethiopia....

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Ethiopian eunuch in Easton's Bible Dictionary

the chief officer or prime minister of state of Candace (q.v.), queen of Ethiopia. He was converted to Christianity through the instrumentality of Philip (Act 8:27). The northern portion of Ethiopia formed the kingdom of Meroe, which for a long period was ruled over by queens, and it was probably from this kingdom that the eunuch came....

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