
Eshcol Scripture - Genesis 14:13

And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these [were] confederate with Abram....

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Eshcol Scripture - Genesis 14:24

Save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men which went with me, Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre; let them take their portion....

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Eshcol Scripture - Numbers 32:9

For when they went up unto the valley of Eshcol, and saw the land, they discouraged the heart of the children of Israel, that they should not go into the land which the LORD had given them....

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Eshcol in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

esh'-kol ('eshkol, "cluster"; Eschol): The brother of Mamre and Aner, the Amorite allies of Abraham who took part with him in the pursuit and defeat of Chedorlaomer's forces (Gen 14:13,14). He lived in the neighborhood of Hebron (Gen 13:18), and may have given his name to the valley of Eshcol, which lay a little North of Hebron (Nu 13:23)...

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Eshcol in Naves Topical Bible

1. An Amorite, and ally of Abraham Ge 14:13,24 -2. A valley or brook near Hebron Nu 13:23,24; 32:9; De 1:24...

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Eshcol in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(cluster of grapes), brother of Mamre the Amorite and of Aner, and one of Abraham's companions in his pursuit of the four kings who had carried off Lot. Ge 14:13,24 (B.C. 1912.)....

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Eshcol in Easton's Bible Dictionary

bunch; brave. (1.) A young Amoritish chief who joined Abraham in the recovery of Lot from the hands of Chedorlaomer (Gen. 14:13, 24). (2.) A valley in which the spies obtained a fine cluster of grapes (Num. 13:23, 24; "the brook Eshcol," A.V.; "the valley of Eshcol," R.V.), which they took back with them to the camp of Israel as a specim...

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Eshcol in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

("cluster".) 1. An Amorite chief, Mamre's brother, ally to Abram in his expedition against Chedorlaomer (Genesis 14:13; Genesis 14:24). 2. Valley or Eshcol. A wady in southern Canaan, somewhere in the vinebearing district (miles of hill sides and valleys covered with small stone heaps for training vines) between Hebron (Genesis 13:18; Gene...

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