Epicharmus of Kos

Epicharmus of Kos in Wikipedia

Epicharmus (Ancient Greek: Ἐπίχαρμος) is considered to have lived within the hundred year period between c. 540 and c. 450 BC. He was a Greek dramatist and philosopher often credited with being one of the first comic writers, having originated the Doric or Sicilian comedic form[1]. Aristotle (Poetics 5 1449b5 [2]) writes that he and Phormis invente...

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Epicharmus in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

(Ἐπίχαρμος). The first Greek comic writer of whom we have any definite account. He was a Syracusan, either by birth or emigration (Theocr. Epig. 17). Some writers make him a native of the island of Cos, but all agree that he passed his life at Syracuse. It was about B.C. 500, thirty-five years after Thespis began to exhibit, eleven years after the ...

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