
Elishah Scripture - Ezekiel 27:7

Fine linen with broidered work from Egypt was that which thou spreadest forth to be thy sail; blue and purple from the isles of Elishah was that which covered thee....

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Elishah Scripture - Genesis 10:4

And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim....

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Elishah Scripture - 1 Chronicles 1:7

And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim....

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Elishah in Wikipedia

was the son of Javan according to the Book of Genesis (10:4) as well as the mediaeval, rabbinic Book of Jasher; he is said in Jasher to have been the ancestor of the "Almanim", possibly a reference to Germanic tribes (Alamanni). The Greek Septuagint of Genesis 10 lists Elisa not only as the son of Javan, but also among the sons of Japheth, pos...

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Elishah in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

e-li'-sha ('elishah, "God saves"; Elisa, Eleisai): Mentioned in Gen 10:4 as the eldest son of Javan, and in Ezek 27:7 as the source from which the Tyrians obtained their purple dyes. On the ground of this latter statement attempts have been made to identify it with Southern Italy or the north of Africa. Josephus (Ant., I, vi, 1) identified Eli...

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Elishah in Naves Topical Bible

A descendant of Noah Ge 10:4; 1Ch 1:7 -Islands of the Mediterranean bear the name of Eze 27:7...

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Elishah in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(God is salvation), the eldest son of Javan. Ge 10:4 The residence of his descendants is described in Eze 27:7 as the isles of Elishah, whence the Phoenicians obtained their purple and blue dyes. Some connect the race of Elishah with the AEolians, others with Elishah, and in a more extended sense Peloponnesus, or even Hellas....

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Elishah in Easton's Bible Dictionary

the oldest of the four sons of Javan (Gen. 10:4), whose descendants peopled Greece. It has been supposed that Elishah's descendants peopled the Peloponnesus, which was known by the name of Elis. This may be meant by "the isles of Elishah" (Ezek. 27:7)....

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Elishah in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Javan's oldest son (Genesis 10:4). Ezekiel 27:7; "purple from the isles of Elishah." As Javan represents the Ionian Greeks; so Elishah the Aeolians, whose favorite resort was to maritime situations, in Greece, Thessaly, and Asia Minor, and Lesbos and Tenedos. Hellas (Greece) and Elis in the Peloponnese are kindred Bathes....

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Elishah in Hitchcock's Bible Names

it is God; the lamb of God: God that gives help...

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