
Obelisk of Rameses II

Was this Obelisk one of the idols of wrath mentioned in the Bible? This painting is of an ancient Egyptian Obelisk which was discovered standing at the place known as the Horizon of the sun god Re. Rameses II built this as the primary entrance to his temple at Luxor in Thebes. The obelisk describes his achievements, it stands 82 feet tall and weig...

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The Great Sphinx of Giza

Did the Great Sphinx of Giza survive the Flood of Noah? Painting of the famous Sphinx at Giza, Egypt. The great Sphinx faces east, toward the rising of the sun and guards the entrance to the Nile Valley. It has the body of a lion with the head of a pharaoh or the god Horus. Over the centuries the body of the Sphinx has been buried under the sand a...

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Statue of Pharaoh Merneptah

Does the Bible mention Pharaoh Merneptah? This painting is of a granite statue of Pharaoh Merneptah with his royal head-dress now in the Egyptian Museum. Merneptah reigned in Egypt during the 19th dynasty (1213-1203 BC), and he was the son of the great Rameses II. His name is inscribed on the cartouche on his right shoulder. It is this Pharaoh who ...

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Pharaoh Kneeling Before the Bull God

Was this the Golden Calf of the Exodus? The ancient Egyptians believed that Apis, the sacred bull of Memphis was a manifestation of Ptah upon the earth. Whenever an Apis bull died in Memphis it was embalmed and mummified. Each bull had its own huge sarcophagus and its birth and death were recorded, carved onto the walls. The Pharaoh Kneeling Befo...

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Amenhotep II Statue

Was this the Pharaoh of the Exodus? This granite statue of an Egyptian king has been identified as Amenophis II who was the son of Thutmose-III). This statue of Amenophis II is important in the study of Biblical Archaeology because many scholars believe that the most evidence points to him as being the Pharaoh of the Exodus. There are two main op...

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Colossal Statue of Ramesses II

Is this the same Ramesses mentioned in the Bible? This colossal statue of Ramesses II weighs over 7 tons and is one of the largest pieces in the British Museum. Some believe Rameses II was the greatest of all of Egypt's Pharaoh's. The Ramesses II Bust discovery is important in the study of Biblical Archaeology. Ra'amses name is mentioned in the Bib...

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Shishak Relief

Did Shishak invade Israel as a punishment from God over their civil war? Shishak was the first king of Egypt mentioned by name in the Bible. Egypt knew him as Pharaoh Shoshenq I, founder of the 22nd Dynasty of Egypt and he reigned from 944-924 B.C. After Solomon died the Kingdom of Israel divided in half and 5 years later during the reign of Rehobo...

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Apis The Sacred Bull of Memphis

Did Israel sacrifice their children to this idol? This small bronze statue was a votive offering and was an expression of devotion from the worshipper who was hoping for a blessing. The sun disk between the horns represent divinity. The ancient Egyptians believed that Apis, the sacred bull of Memphis was a manifestation of Ptah upon the earth. Whe...

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The Rosetta Stone

Was this stone the key to deciphering the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt? This black basalt stone slab was found in 1798 by French soldiers in the rubble of a wall near the Egyptian town of Rosetta. The writing on it appeared very ancient, at the top of the stone were hieroglyphs reading right to left. In the middle there was shorthand demotic script...

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The Pyramids at Gizeh

Are the Pyramids mentioned in the Bible? The pyramids of Egypt have always been a marvel. There are around 75 pyramids in Egypt. The 3 main pyramids were built as tombs for 3 Egyptian Pharaohs who were considered to be gods on earth. The first and largest pyramid, known as the Great Pyramid of Gizeh was a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops to the Gree...

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