
Dumah Scripture - Isaiah 21:11

The burden of Dumah. He calleth to me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?...

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Dumah Scripture - 1 Chronicles 1:30

Mishma, and Dumah, Massa, Hadad, and Tema,...

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Dumah Scripture - Genesis 25:14

And Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa,...

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Dumah in Naves Topical Bible

1. Son of Ishmael Ge 25:14; 1Ch 1:30; Isa 21:11,12 -2. A city of Canaan assigned to Judah Jos 15:52...

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Dumah in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(silence). 1. A son of Ishmael, most probably the founder of the Ishmaelite tribe of Arabia, and thence the name of the principal place of district inhabited by that tribe. Ge 25:14; 1Ch 1:30; Isa 21:11 2. A city in the mountainous district of Judah, near Hebron, Jos 15:52 represented by the ruins of a village called ed-Daumeh, six miles sou...

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Dumah in Easton's Bible Dictionary

silence, (comp. Ps. 94:17), the fourth son of Ishmael; also the tribe descended from him; and hence also the region in Arabia which they inhabited (Gen. 25:14; 1 Chr. 1:30). There was also a town of this name in Judah (Josh. 15:52), which has been identified with ed-Domeh, about 10 miles southwest of Hebron. The place mentioned in the "bu...

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Dumah in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

("silence".) An Ishmaelite tribe and region (Genesis 25:14; 1 Chronicles 1:30; Isaiah 21:11). The name survives in Doomat el Jendel, "Dumah of the blocks of stone," namely, of which it was built. On the borders of Arabia and the Syrian desert. Put for all Idumea, to imply it should soon be put to silence, i.e. be destroyed. The name indicates ...

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Dumah in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

du'-ma (dumah, "silence"): This word occurs in the Old Testament with the following significations: (1) the land of silence or death, the grave (Ps 94:17; 115:17); (2) a town in the highlands of Judah between Hebron and Beersheba, now ed- Daume (Josh 15:52); (3) an emblematical designation of Edom in the obscure oracle (Isa 21:11,12); (4) an Is...

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