
Diotrephes Scripture - 3 John 1:9

I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not....

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Diotrephes in Wikipedia

was a man mentioned in the (3 John, verses 9–11). His name means "fed by Jupiter". As Raymond E. Brown comments, "Diotrephes is not a particularly common name."[1] In addition to being ambitious, proud, disrespectful of apostolic authority, rebellious, and inhospitable, the author of the letter says that Diotrephes tried to hinder those desiri...

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Diotrephes in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

di-ot'-re-fez (Diotrephes): A person mentioned in 3 Jn 1:9,10 as contentiously resisting the writer's authority and forbidding others from exercising the Christian hospitality which he himself refused to show. The words "who loveth to have the preeminence, among them" may indicate that he was a church official, abusing his position.chief stars...

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Diotrephes in Naves Topical Bible

A false teacher 3Jo 1:9...

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Diotrephes in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(nourished by Jove), a Christian mentioned in 3Jo 1:9 but of whom nothing is known....

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Diotrephes in Easton's Bible Dictionary

Jove-nourished, rebuked by John for his pride (3 John 1:9). He was a Judaizer, prating against John and his fellow- labourers "with malicious words" (7)....

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Diotrephes in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

3 John 1:9, loving to have the preeminence" through ambition. A Judaizer, who opposed the missionaries when preaching grace to the Gentiles, see 3 John 1:7. He "prated against" John and the orthodox "with malicious words"; he "received not" John, by not receiving with love the brethren whom John recommended (Matthew 10:40). His influence was s...

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