
Diocles in Wikipedia

Diocles may refer to: * Diocles, a person in Greek mythology * Roman emperor Diocletian, formerly named Diocles * Diocles of Carystus, Greek physician who lived 4th century BC * Diocles (mathematician), second century BC and the beginning of the first century BC * Diocles of Messenia, winner of the stadion race of the 7th Olympic Games in 752...

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Diocles of Carystus in Wikipedia

Diocles of Carystus (Greek: Διοκλῆς ὁ Καρύστιος; lived 4th century BC), a very celebrated Greek physician, was born at Carystus in Euboea, lived not long after the time of Hippocrates, to whom Pliny says he was next in age and fame.[1] Not much is known of his life, other that he lived and worked in Athens, where he wrote what may be the first medi...

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