Dictys Cretensis

Dictys Cretensis in Wikipedia

Dictys Cretensis (Δίκτυς ὁ Κρής) of Knossus was the legendary companion of Idomeneus during the Trojan War, and the purported author of a diary of its events, that deployed some of the same materials worked up by Homer for the Iliad. With the rise in credulity in Late Antiquity[citation needed], the story of his journal, an amusing fiction addresse...

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Dictys in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

(Δίκτυς), called Cretensis. A Cretan, said to have accompanied Idomeneus to the Trojan War, and to have written a history of that contest. This work (Ephemeris Belli Troiani), according to the account that has come down to us, was discovered in the reign of Nero, in a tomb near Cnossus, which was laid open by an earthquake. It was asserted to have ...

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