
Dexippus in Wikipedia

Publius Herennius Dexippus (Greek: Δέξιππος, ca. 210–273), Greek historian, statesman and general, was an hereditary priest of the Eleusinian family of the Kerykes, and held the offices of archon basileus and eponymous in Athens. When the Heruli overran Greece and captured Athens (269), Dexippus showed great personal courage and revived the spirit...

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Dexippus in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

P. Herennius, a Greek historian and rhetorician, born in Attica in the third century A.D. He held high office in Athens, and in the year 262, when the Goths invaded Greece, distinguished himself against them. He died about A.D. 280. Photius gives some account of three historical works by Dexippus-a history of Macedonia from the time of Alexander th...

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