
Creusa in Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology

(*Kre/ousa). 1. A daughter of Oceanus and Ge. She was a Naid, and became by Peneius the mother of Hypseus, king of the Lapithae, and of Stilbe. (Pind. P. 9.30; Diod. 4.69.)2. A daughter of Erechtheus and Praxithea, was married to Xuthus, by whom she became the mother of Achaeus and Ion. (Apollod. 1.7.3, 3.15.1; Paus. 7.1.1.) She is also said t...

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Creusa in Wikipedia

In Greek mythology, four people had the name Creusa (or Kreousa - Κρέουσα); the name means simply "princess". Naiad According to Pindar's 9th Pythian Ode, Creusa was a naiad and daughter of Gaia who bore Hypseus, King of the Lapiths to the river god Peneus. Hypseus had one daughter, Cyrene. When a lion attacked her father's sheep, Cyrene wrest...

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