
Coney in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

ko'-ni (shaphan (Lev 11:5; Dt 14:7; Ps 104:18; Prov 30:26)): The word "coney" (formerly pronounced cooney) means "rabbit" (from Latin cuniculus). Shaphan is rendered in all four passages in the Septuagint choirogrullios, or "hedge-hog," but is now universally considered to refer to the Syrian hyrax, Procavia (or Hyrax) Syriaca, which in southe...

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Coney in Naves Topical Bible

-General scriptures concerning Le 11:5; De 14:7; Ps 18; Pr 30:26...

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Coney in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(shaphan), a gregarious animal of the class Pachydermata, which is found in Israel, living in the caves and clefts of the rocks, and has been erroneously identified with the rabbit or coney. Its scientific name as Hyrax syriacus. The hyrax satisfies exactly the expressions in Ps 104:18; Pr 30:26 Its color is gray or brown on the back, white on...

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Coney in Easton's Bible Dictionary

(Heb. shaphan; i.e., "the hider"), an animal which inhabits the mountain gorges and the rocky districts of Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land. "The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks" (Prov. 30:26; Ps. 104:18). They are gregarious, and "exceeding wise" (Prov. 30:24), and are described as chewing the cud (L...

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Coney in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

shaphan, from the root "to hide"; the S. Arab, thofun; the Syrian Arab, weber. A pachydermatous animal, gregarious, greybacked, white on the belly, with long hair, short tail, and round ears; common on the ridges of Lebanon; living in caves and clefts; the Hyrax Syriacus, not the rabbit or coney. Proverbs 30:26; "the coneys are but a feeble fo...

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Coney Scripture - Deuteronomy 14:7

Nevertheless these ye shall not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the cloven hoof; [as] the camel, and the hare, and the coney: for they chew the cud, but divide not the hoof; [therefore] they [are] unclean unto you....

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Coney Scripture - Leviticus 11:5

And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he [is] unclean unto you....

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Coney in Wikipedia

Cherogrillus (Leviticus 11:5; Deuteronomy 14:7), a mere transliteration of the Greek name of the porcupine, corresponds to the Hebrew shãphãn, translated, Ps. ciii (Hebr., civ), 18, by irchin, and Prov., xxx, 26, by rabbit. As St. Jerome noticed it, the shãphãn is not the porcupine, but a very peculiar animal of about the same size, dwelling among ...

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