Cleisthenes of Sicyon

Cleisthenes of Sicyon in Wikipedia

Cleisthenes (also Clisthenes or Kleisthenes) was the tyrant of Sicyon from c. 600–570 BC, who aided in the First Sacred War against Kirrha that destroyed that city in 595 BC. He is also told to have organized with success a war against Argos because of his anti-Dorian feelings. After his victory he abolished all the rhapsodists of Homer, because th...

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Clisthĕnes in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

A tyrant of Sicyon, who in B.C. 595 aided the Amphictyons in the Sacred War against Cirra, which ended in the destruction of that city. He was a resolute enemy of the Dorians, and in that spirit waged war on Argos. (See Herod. v. 67; vi. 125; Thuc.i. 18)....

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