Classical Studies

The Barrington Atlas

The Barrington Atlas, created by the Classical Atlas Project (now, the Ancient World Mapping Center), is a reference work of permanent value. It has an exceptionally broad appeal to everyone worldwide with an interest in ancient Greeks and Romans, the lands they penetrated, and the peoples and cultures they encountered in Europe, North Africa and W...

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Greek Mythology Link

The Greek Mythology Link is a collection of the Greek myths written online by Carlos Parada....

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The Olympian Gods

Extensive collection of images and texts concerning the major figures of Greek and Roman mythology....

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The Internet Classics Archive

441 works of classical literature by 59 different authors....

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The Suda Online Project (SOL).

The Suda On Line project engages the efforts of scholars world-wide in the translation and annotation of a substantial text that is being made available exclusively through the internet. Beginning with the Byzantine encyclopedia known as the Suda, a 10th century CE compilation of material on ancient literature, history, and biography. A massive wor...

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EAWC: Ancient Greece

Exploring Ancient World Cultures. Aristophanes' Lysistrata, Plato's Euthyphro, Plato's Apology, Plato's Crito, Selections from Aristotle's Politics, Plato and His Dialogues, Greek Mythology Quiz, Chronology, Essays, Images, Internet Sites, Texts...

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GreekTexts in Perseus

Primary Texts: Aeschines | Aeschylus | Andocides | Antiphon | Apollodorus | Aristophanes | Aristotle | Bacchylides | Demades | Demosthenes | Dinarchus | Diodorus Siculus | Euclid | Euripides | Herodotus | Hesiod | Homer | Homeric Hymns | Hyperides | Isaeus | Isocrates | Josephus | Lycurgus | Lysias | Pausanias | Pindar | Plato | Plutarch | Pseudo-X...

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Greek Mythic History

A Euhemerist Analysis of the Greek Myths as part of a historical record. PREFACE: Euhemerus and Euhemerism Chapter 1: The Heroes and their Deeds Chapter 2: Women in Various Roles Chapter 3: Domestication of Animals Chapter 4: The Development of Agriculture Chapter 5: Medicine and Pharmacopoeia Chapter 6: The Discovery and Use of Metals Chap...

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Greek Literature

The Greek Word - Three Millennia of Greek Literature. Before Plato (12? - 5th c. B.C.) Homer ; Hesiod ; Orphica ; Archilochus ; Sappho ; Alcaeus ; Anaximander ; Xenophanes ; Heraclitus ; Parmenides ; Empedocles ; Anaxagoras Classical Era (5Th - 4Th C. B.C.) Aeschylus ; Sophocles ; Euripides ; Thucydides ; Herodotus ; Aristophanes ; Plato ; Aristo...

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Greek Music and Lyrical Poetry

Greek music and lyrical poetry are inextricably linked. Lyrical poetry was meant to be sung, and music was an essential part of the performance. Greek lyrical poetry covers a wide range of topics, including love, loss, war, and religion. It is often characterized by its emotional intensity and its use of vivid imagery. Some of the most famous Greek...

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