
Choerilus in Wikipedia

Choerilus (playwright) Choerilus was an Athenian tragic poet, who exhibited plays as early as 524 BC. He was said to have competed with Aeschylus, Pratinas and even Sophocles. According to Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker, however, the rival of Sophocles was a son of Choerilus, who bore the same name. The Suidas states that Choerilus wrote 150 tragedies ...

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Choerĭlus in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

1. An Athenian dramatist, one of the oldest Attic tragedians, who appeared as a writer as early as B.C. 520. He was a rival of Pratinas, Phrynichus, and Aeschylus. His favourite line seems to have been the satyric drama, in which he was long a popular writer. 2. A Greek epic poet, born in Samos about B.C. 470, a friend of Herodotus and afterwards...

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