
Chilion Scripture - Ruth 1:2

And the name of the man [was] Elimelech, and the name of his wife Naomi, and the name of his two sons Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Bethlehemjudah. And they came into the country of Moab, and continued there....

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Chilion Scripture - Ruth 1:5

And Mahlon and Chilion died also both of them; and the woman was left of her two sons and her husband....

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Mahlon and Chilion in Wikipedia

Mahlon and Chilion were two brothers mentioned in the Book of Ruth. They were the sons of Elimelech of the tribe of Joseph and his wife Naomi. Together with their parents, they settled in the land of Moab during the period of the Israelite Judges. Mahlon married the Moabite woman Ruth while Chilion married Orpah (according to the Midrash, Ruth...

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Chilion in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

kil'-i-on (kilyon, "pining," "wasting away"): One of the two sons of Elimelech and Naomi, "Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Bethlehem-judah" (Ruth 1:2). With his mother and brother he came into Moab and there both married Moabite women, Orpah being the name of Chilion's wife and Ruth that of the wife of Mahlon (4:9,10). Both died early and O...

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Chilion in Naves Topical Bible

A son of Naomi Ru 1:2,4,5; 4:9...

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Chillon in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(pining, sickly), the son of Naomi and husband of Ruth. Ru 1:2-5; 4:9 (B.C. 1250.)...

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Chilion in Easton's Bible Dictionary

the pining one, the younger son of Elimelech and Naomi, and husband of Orpah, Ruth's sister (Ruth 1:2; 4:9)....

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Chilion in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Orpah's husband, son of Elimelech and Naomi (Rth 1:2-5; Rth 4:9). An Ephrathite of Bethlehem Judah (formerly Ephrath, Genesis 35:19)....

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Chilion in Hitchcock's Bible Names

finished; complete; perfect...

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