
Chelubai Scripture - 1 Chronicles 2:9

The sons also of Hezron, that were born unto him; Jerahmeel, and Ram, and Chelubai....

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Chelubai in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

ke-loo'-bi (kelubhay): Another form of Caleb used in 1 Ch 2:9; compare 2:18,42. Caleb is here described as the brother of Jerahmeel, and son of Hezron, a remote ancestor, instead of as the son of Jephunneh....

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Chelubi in Naves Topical Bible

Son of Hezron 1Ch 2:9 -Called CALEB 1Ch 2:18,42...

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Chelubai in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(capable), the son of Hezron. Same as Caleb. 1Ch 2:9,18,42...

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Chelubai in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

1 Chronicles 2:9; same as Caleb (1 Chronicles 2:18; 1 Chronicles 2:42). Brother of Jerahmeel; the Jerahmeelites' position was S. of Judah, where also was the inheritance of Caleb's house (Judges 1:15; 1 Samuel 25:3; 1 Samuel 27:10; 1 Samuel 30:14)....

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Chelubai in Hitchcock's Bible Names

he altogether against me...

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