
Charran Scripture - Acts 7:4

Then came he out of the land of the Chaldaeans, and dwelt in Charran: and from thence, when his father was dead, he removed him into this land, wherein ye now dwell....

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Charran Scripture - Acts 7:2

And he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken; The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran,...

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Charran in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

kar'-an (Charrhan): Greek form of HARAN (which see) (Acts 7:2,4)....

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Charran in Easton's Bible Dictionary

another form (Acts 7:2, 4) of Haran (q.v.)....

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Charran in Hitchcock's Bible Names

a singing or calling out...

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