Cato the Elder

Cato the Elder in Roman Biography

Cato, [Gr. Koruv ; Fr. Caton* kS't6N'; It. Catone, ka-to'na,] (Marcus Porcius,) often called Ca'to Censo'rius, (or Cknsori'nus,) i.e. "Cato the Censor," also sumamed THE Elder, an eminent Roman patriot and statesman, was born of a plebeian family at Tusculum in 234 B.C. At the age of seventeen he served in the army against Hannibal, and in 209 he t...

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Cato in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

M. Porcius Cato, surnamed Censorius, in allusion to the severity with which he discharged the office of a censor, and hence commonly styled, at the present day, " Cato the Censor." Other surnames were, Priscus, "the old," and Maior, "the elder," both alluding to his having preceded, in order of time, the younger Cato , who committed suicide at Ut...

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Cato the Elder in Wikipedia

Marcus Porcius Cato[1] (234 BC, Tusculum – 149 BC) was a Roman statesman, commonly surnamed Censorius (the Censor), Sapiens (the Wise), Priscus (the Ancient), or Major (the Elder), or Cato the Censor, to distinguish him from his great-grandson, Cato the Younger.[citation needed] He came of an ancient Plebeian family who all were noted for some...

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