Castor and Pollux

Castor and Pollux Scripture - Acts 28:11

And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux....

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Castor and Pollux in Wikipedia

(pronounced /ˈkæstər/; Latin: Castōr; Greek: Κάστωρ, Kastōr, "beaver") and Pollux (/ˈpɒləks/; Latin: Pollūx) or Polydeuces (/ˌpɒlɨˈdjuːsiːz/; Greek: Πολυδεύκης, Poludeukēs, "much sweet wine"[1]) were twin brothers in Greek and Roman mythology and collectively known as the Dioskouroi. They were the sons of Leda by Tyndareus and Zeus respectivel...

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Castor and Pollux in Smiths Bible Dictionary

Ac 28:11 the twin sons of Jupiter and Leda, were regarded as the tutelary divinities of sailors; hence their image was often used as a figure-head for ships. They appeared in heaven as the constellation Gemini. In art they were sometimes represented simply as stars hovering over a ship....

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Castor and Pollux in Easton's Bible Dictionary

the "Dioscuri", two heroes of Greek and Roman mythology. Their figures were probably painted or sculptured on the prow of the ship which Luke refers to (Acts 28:11). They were regarded as the tutelary divinities of sailors. They appeared in the heavens as the constellation Gemini....

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Castor and Pollux in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

The Dioscuri or two mythical sons of the chief idol of Rome and Greece, Jupiter. The tutelary gods of sailors, identified with the phosphoric lights which play about masts and sails. The constellation Gemini, "the Twins." At Cyrene in the region of Africa, adjoining Alexandria, they were especially worshipped. This accords with the Alexandrian...

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