
Carausius in Roman Biography

Ca-rau'si-us, (Marcus Aurei.ius Valerius,) an adventurer, born at Menapia, in Belgium, about 250 A. D. Having been promoted to the command of a Roman fleet, he made himself master of Great Britain and assumed the title of emperor. After vain efforts to conquer him, Diocletian recognized him by treaty. He was assassinated in 293 A.D....

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Carausius in Wikipedia

Marcus Aurelius Mausaeus Valerius Carausius (died 293) was a military commander of the Roman Empire in the 3rd century. He was a Menapian from Belgic Gaul, who usurped power in 286, declaring himself emperor in Britain and northern Gaul. He did this only 13 years after the Gallic Empire of the Batavian Postumus was ended in 273. He held power fo...

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Carausius in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

A native of Gaul, born among the Menapii. His naval abilities attracted the notice of Maximian, who gave him the command of a squadron against the pirates. He proved, however, unfaithful to his trust, and too much bent upon enriching himself. Maximian thereupon gave orders to put him to death; but Carausius, apprised of this in season, retired...

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