
Calcol Scripture - 1 Chronicles 2:6

And the sons of Zerah; Zimri, and Ethan, and Heman, and Calcol, and Dara: five of them in all....

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Calcol in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

kal'-kol, kal'-kol (kalkol): Mentioned in 1 Ki 4:31 as one of the wise men with whom Solomon was compared. The better orthography is Calcol which the King James Version gives for the same name in 1 Ch 2:6. In the former passage, Calcol is the son of Mahol, while in the latter he is called the son of Zerah of the tribe of Judah, and a brot...

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Calcol in Naves Topical Bible

Son of Zerah 1Ch 2:6...

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Calcol in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(sustenance), a man of Judah, son or descendant of Zerah. 1Ch 2:6 Probably identical with CHALCOL....

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Calcol in Easton's Bible Dictionary

(1 Chr. 2:6), sustenance, the same probably as Chalcol (1 Kings 4:31), one of the four sages whom Solomon excelled in wisdom; for "he was wiser than all men."...

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Calcol in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

A man of Judah, descended from Zerah (1 Chronicles 2:6). Probably identical with Chalcol or Calcol, the same in the Hebrew, one of the four wise men whom Solomon exceeded (1 Kings 4:31). He and Darda or Dara are called "the sons of Mahol," i.e. of the choir; they were the famous musicians, two of whom are named in the titles of Psalm 88 and Ps...

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