
Buzi Scripture - Ezekiel 1:3

The word of the LORD came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and the hand of the LORD was there upon him....

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Buzi in Wikipedia

(my contempt) was the mother or the father of Ezekiel the priest. (Ezek. 1:3). Ezekiel, like Jeremiah, is said to have been a descendant of Joshua by his marriage with the proselyte Rahab (Talmud Meg. 14b; Midrash Sifre, Num. 78). Some scholars[who?] claim that Ezekiel actually was Jeremiah or the son of Jeremiah, who was (also) called "Buzi" b...

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Buzi in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

buz, bu'-zi, buz'-it ( buz): (1) Second son of Nahor (Gen 22:21). The word occurs again in Jer 25:23, by the side of Dedan (Gen 10:7) and Tema (Gen 25:15), and is probably, therefore, the name of a people living in the neighborhood of Edom. Buz and Hazo (Gen 22:22) are probably the countries of Bazu and Chazu (the former described as ful...

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Buzzi in Naves Topical Bible

Father of Ezekiel Eze 1:3...

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Buzi in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(contempt), father of Ezekiel the prophet. Eze 1:3...

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Buzi in Easton's Bible Dictionary

the father of the prophet Ezekiel (1:3)....

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