
Birsha Scripture - Genesis 14:2

[That these] made war with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela, which is Zoar....

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Birsha in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

bur'-sha (birsha`): King of Gomorrah (Gen 14:2), who joined the league against Chedorlaomer. The name is probably corrupt; some have tried to explain it as beresha`, "with wickedness," a name purposely used by the writer in referring to this king....

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Birsha in Naves Topical Bible

A king of Gomorrah Ge 14:2-10...

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Birsha in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(son of godlessness), a king of Gomorrah. Ge 14:2...

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Birsha in Easton's Bible Dictionary

son of wickedness, a king of Gomorrah whom Abraham succoured in the invasion of Chedorlaomer (Gen. 14:2)....

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Birsha in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

King of Gomorrah, at Chedorlaomer's invasion (Genesis 14:2)....

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Birsha in Hitchcock's Bible Names

an evil; a son who beholds...

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