Bible Translation

Translating the Bible: From Ancient Hebrew and Greek to Modern Languages

Bridging the Gap: Translating the Bible Across Languages and Time The Bible, a cornerstone of religious practice for billions, wasn't written in English or any other modern language. Its original languages were ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. This presentation explores the fascinating world of Bible translation, delving into the challenges and ...

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Discussion of the Septuagint

Some questions asked to Glenn Miller [Old Testament Studies] [Answers & Evidence] [Bible History]...

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BUBL Bible links

Translations unavailable elsewhere, e.g. Scandanavian ones. [Online Text Archives] [Study Tools] [Collections]...

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Translation glossary

Bible Translations. [Glossaries] [Bible History]...

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The Art and Agony of Translation

by Kenneth W. Collins. [Translations] [Bible History]...

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Translations of the Bible Into English

by Kenneth W. Collins. [Translations] [Bible History]...

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How to Select a Bible—and Read It

by Kenneth W. Collins. [Translations] [Bible History]...

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About Those Literal Translations

by Kenneth W. Collins. [Translations] [Bible History]...

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The Nicene Creed and the New Testament Canon

by Kenneth W. Collins. [Translations] [Bible History]...

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The Apocrypha and the Old Testament

by Kenneth W. Collins. [Translations] [Bible History]...

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