
Bedan Scripture - 1 Chronicles 7:17

And the sons of Ulam; Bedan. These [were] the sons of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh....

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Bedan Scripture - 1 Samuel 12:11

And the LORD sent Jerubbaal, and Bedan, and Jephthah, and Samuel, and delivered you out of the hand of your enemies on every side, and ye dwelled safe...

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Bedan in Wikipedia

is named as the deliverer of Israelites in 1 Samuel 12:11. He is not mentioned elsewhere as a judge of Israel. Bp. Patrick and others hypothesis the name to be a contraction of ben Dan ("the son of Dan") by which they suppose Samson is meant, as the Targum reads. The LXX, Syriac, and Arabic, however, refer to the name as Barak, instead of Beda...

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Bedan in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

be'-dan (bedhan, "son of judgment" (?)): (1) One of the leaders in Israel who with Jerubbaal, Jephthah and Samuel is mentioned as a deliverer of the nation (1 Sam 12:11). The text is questioned because the Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic read "Barak" instead. (2) A son of Ulam of the house of Manasseh (1 Ch 7:17)....

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Bedan in Naves Topical Bible

1. One of the deliverers of Israel, possibly identical with Abdon 1Sa 12:11 -2. Son of Ullam 1Ch 7:17...

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Bedan in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(son of judgement). 1. Mentioned in 1Sa 12:11 as a judge of Israel between Jerubbaal (Gideon) and Jephthah. The Chaldee Paraphrase reads Samson for Bedan; the LXX., Syriac and Arabic all have Barak. Ewald suggests that it may be a false reading for Abdon. (B.C. about 1150.) 2. The son of Gilead. 1Ch 7:17...

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Bedan in Easton's Bible Dictionary

one of the judges of Israel (1 Sam. 12:11). It is uncertain who he was. Some suppose that Barak is meant, others Samson, but most probably this is a contracted form of Abdon (Judg. 12:13)....

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Bedan in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

A judge of Israel between Jerubbaal and Jephthah, in 1 Samuel 12:11. Seemingly not, mentioned in Judges, but the name is probably identical with Abdon, which has the same radical consonants (Judges 12:13-15). No achievement of his for Israel's deliverance is recorded, but may it not be inferred from the record "he was buried ... in the mount o...

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Bedan in Hitchcock's Bible Names

according to judgment...

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