
Bacchylides in Wikipedia

Bacchylides (Greek: Βακχυλίδης) (5th century BC) was an Ancient Greek lyric poet. Later Greeks included him in the canonical list of nine lyric poets which included his uncle Simonides. The elegance and polished style of his lyrics have been a commonplace of Bacchylidean scholarship since at least Longinus (De Sublimitate 33,5).[1] Some scholars ho...

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Romulus in Roman Biography

Rom'u-lus. called also QuI-ri'nus, the founder of Rome, a semi-fabulous personage, supposed to have lived about 750 B.C. According to tradition, Romulus and Remus were the twin sons of Mars and Rhea Silvia, who was a daughter of Numitor, King of Alba. Amulius dethroned Numitor and ordered the young twins to be exposed to destruction ; but they were...

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Bacchylides in Wikipedia

Bacchylides (Greek: Βακχυλίδης) (5th century BC) was an Ancient Greek lyric poet. Later Greeks included him in the canonical list of nine lyric poets which included his uncle Simonides. The elegance and polished style of his lyrics have been a commonplace of Bacchylidean scholarship since at least Longinus (De Sublimitate 33,5).[1] Some scholars ho...

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Bacchylĭdes in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

(Βακχυλίδης). A Greek lyric poet who flourished in the middle of the fifth century B.C. He was a native of Iulis in the island of Ceos, the nephew and pupil of Simonides, and a contemporary of Pindar. For a long time he lived with his uncle at the court of Hiero, tyrant of Syracuse. He also resided for a considerable time at Athens, where he won ma...

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