
Assos Scripture - Acts 20:13

And we went before to ship, and sailed unto Assos, there intending to take in Paul: for so had he appointed, minding himself to go afoot....

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Assos Scripture - Acts 20:14

And when he met with us at Assos, we took him in, and came to Mitylene....

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Assos in Wikipedia

(Greek: Άσσος), also known as Behramkale or for short Behram, is a small historically rich town in Çanakkale Province, Ayvacık District, Turkey. Aristotle lived here and opened an Academy. The city was also visited by St. Paul. Today Assos is a Aegean-coast seaside retreat amid ancient ruins......

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Assos in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

as'-os (Assos): An ancient city of Mysia in the Roman province of Asia, at which, according to Acts 20:13, Paul and Luke rested while on their way from Troas to Mitylene. Standing upon a conical-shaped rock on the southern coast of the Troad, it occupied one of the finest sites in Asia. The rock is about 700 ft. high; its sides are covered wit...

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Assos in Naves Topical Bible

A seaport in Mysia Ac 20:13,14...

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Assos in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(approaching), a seaport of the Roman province of Asia in the district anciently called Mysia, on the northern shore of the Gulf of Adrn-myttium, and about seven miles from Lesbos. Ac 20:13,14...

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Assos in Easton's Bible Dictionary

a sea-port town of Proconsular Asia, in the district of Mysia, on the north shore of the Gulf of Adramyttium. Paul came hither on foot along the Roman road from Troas (Acts 20:13, 14), a distance of 20 miles. It was about 30 miles distant from Troas by sea. The island of Lesbos lay opposite it, about 7 miles distant....

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Assos in Hitchcock's Bible Names

approaching; coming near...

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