
Asnapper in Hitchcock's Bible Names

unhappiness; increase of danger...

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Asnapper in Naves Topical Bible

A noble Assyrian prince, who colonized the cities of Samaria after the Israelites were taken captive to Assyria Ezr 4:10...

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Asnapper in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(swift), mentioned in Ezr 4:10 as the person who settled the Cutheans in the cities of Samaria. He was probably a general of Esarhaddon. (B.C. 712.)...

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Asnapper in Easton's Bible Dictionary

probably the same as Assur-bani-pal (Sardanapalos of the Greeks), styled the "great and noble" (Ezra 4:10), was the son and successor (B.C. 668) of Esar-haddon (q.v.). He was "luxurious, ambitious, and cruel, but a magnificent patron of literature." He formed at Nineveh a library of clay tablets, numbering about 10,000. These are now mostl...

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Asnapper in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

"The great and noble" (Ezra 4:10). He planted the Cuthaeans, etc., in Samaria, after the deportation of the Israelites. He is either Esarhaddon, as Ezra 4:2 implies, or some able general under him who effected the plantation = Asardanaper = Esarhaddon....

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