
Archestrătus in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

(Ἀρχέστρατος). A poet of Gela, in Sicily, who flourished about B.C. 318, and composed the humorous didatic poem Ἡδυπάθεια (Good Cheer), supposed to describe a gastronomic tour round the then known world, with playful echoes of Homer and the dogmatic philosophers. The numerous fragments display much talent and wit. It was imitated in Latin by Ennius...

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Archestratus in Wikipedia

Archestratus (Archestratos) was an Ancient Greek poet of Gela or Syracuse, in Sicily, who wrote some time in the mid 4th century BCE. His humorous didactic poem Hedypatheia ("Life of Luxury"), written in hexameters, advises a gastronomic reader on where to find the best food in the Mediterranean world. The writer, who was styled in antiquity the He...

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