Archaeology & Sites

The Rosetta Stone

A brief study about the deciphering of the ancient Hieroglyphs and the discovering of the Rosetta Stone. [Bible History Online Study]...

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Does Archaeology Support Bible History?

Book Excerpt from Hard Sayings of the Bible by Walter C. Kaiser Jr., Peter H. Davids, F. F. Bruce and Manfred T. Brauch [Archaeology] [Bible History]...

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Bible Archaeology

The aim of this special edition is to point the reader to the wealth of information that has literally been unearthed by the spades of patient, dedicated people which helps to confirm the historical accuracy of the Bible - God`s Word. [Archaeology] [Bible History]...

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Archaeological Tour in the steps of Jesus

Text and Images [Archaeology] [Bible History]...

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Museum of Classical Archaeology: Glossary

The who, what, when and where of Classical myths and history featured in the Cast Gallery. University of Cambridge [Bible Search] [Various Versions]...

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The House of Yahweh Inscription

This recently published inscription documents an offering brought to the Temple in Yerusalem which it specifically Names the Temple as: Bayit Yahweh -- House of Yahweh. This is the earliest reference to the Temple found to date, outside of the scriptures. [Archaeology] [Bible History]...

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Overview of Banias

Click on sites with images. [Banias (Caesarea Philippi)] [Galilee and the Golan] [Archaeology] [New Testament City Studies]...

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The Byt Yhwh Ostracon

A tax receipt uncovered from 900-700 BC revealing the Temple as the House of Yahweh. It is translated as saying, "According to your order, Ashyahu, the king, to give by the hand of [Z]echaryahu silver of Tarshish for the house of Yahweh 3 shekels." [Archaeology] [Bible History]...

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Cities Mentioned in the New Testament

[Archaeology] This page contains links to archaeological sites from the New Testament period. Cities specifically mentioned in the New Testament are included, along with sites related to the social world of the New Testament, either historically (e.g., Masada) or architecturally (e.g., Ostia). There is also a series of links to various maps of the ...

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