
Aran Scripture - 1 Chronicles 1:42

The sons of Ezer; Bilhan, and Zavan, [and] Jakan. The sons of Dishan; Uz, and Aran....

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Aran Scripture - Genesis 36:28

The children of Dishan [are] these; Uz, and Aran....

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Aran in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

a'-ran ('aran, "wild goat"): A son of Dishan, the Horite (Gen 36:28; 1 Ch 1:42). It may possibly be connected with the Yerahmelite Oren ('-ren) (1 Ch 2:25; compare Curtis, Chron. at the place; Dillmann, Gen at the place; ZDMG, L, 168); Robertson Smith claims that this name is equivalent to the Samaritan ('-r-n), "wild goat" (Jour. Phil., IX, 9...

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Aran in Naves Topical Bible

Son of Dishan Ge 36:28; 1Ch 1:42...

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Aran in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(wild goat), a Horite, son of Dishan and brother of Uz. Gene 36:28; 1Chr 1:42...

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Aran in Easton's Bible Dictionary

wild goat, a descendant of Seir the Horite (Gen. 36:28)....

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Aran in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

A Horite (Genesis 36:28)....

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