
Apellĭcon in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

(Ἀπελλικῶν). A Peripatetic philosopher, born at Teos in Asia Minor, and one of those to whom we owe the preservation of many of the works of Aristotle. The latter, on his deathbed, confided his works to Theophrastus, his favourite pupil and Theophrastus, by his will, left them to Neleus, who had them conveyed to Scepsis, in Troas, his native city. ...

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Apellicon of Teos in Wikipedia

Apellicon (Greek: Ἀπελλικῶν) (died c. 84 BCE), a wealthy native of Teos, afterwards an Athenian citizen, was a famous book collector of the 1st century BCE. He not only spent large sums in the acquisition of his library, but stole original documents from the archives of Athens and other cities of Greece. Being detected, he fled in order to escape ...

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