Apachnan (Khian)

Apachnan (Khian) in Tour Egypt

APACHNAN (KHIAN) 15TH DYNASTY - Apachnan was the third king of the 15th Dynasty. He was considered one of the "Great Heksus". Apachnan's power reached beyond his kingdom in Northern Egypt. Archeologists found some scarabs and seals bearing his name in Northern and Southern Egypt and some Mediterranean islands such as Crete....

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Khyan in Wikipedia

Seuserenre Khyan, Khian or Khayan was reportedly the fourth king of the Hyksos Fifteenth dynasty of Egypt who ruled approximately c.1610-1580 BC The Danish Egyptologist, Kim Ryholt, who published an extensive catalogue of the monuments of all the numerous pharaohs of the Second Intermediate Period notes an important personal detail regarding thi...

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