Antioch of Pisidia

Antioch of Pisidia Scripture - Acts 13:14

But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and sat down....

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Antioch of Pisidia in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Also founded by Seleucus Nicator. Made a colony by Rome; called also Caesarea. Now Yalobatch, on a high ridge. When Paul, on his first missionary tour with Barnabas, preached in the synagogue there, many Gentiles believed. The Jews therefore raised a persecution by the wealthy women of the place, and drove him from Antioch to Iconium, and foll...

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Antioch of Pisidia in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

an'-ti-ok, pi-sid'-i-a (Antiocheia pros Pisidia, or aAntiocheia he Pisidia = "Pisidian"). 1. History: (1) Antioch of Pisidia was so called to distinguish it from the many other cities of the same name founded by Seleucus Nicator (301-280 BC) and called after his father Antiochus. It was situated in a strong position, on a plateau close to...

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Antioch of Pisidia in Naves Topical Bible

A city of Pisidia. Persecutes Paul Ac 13:14-52; 2Ti 3:11; Ac 14:19-22; 18:22...

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Antioch of Pisidia in Smiths Bible Dictionary

IN PISIDIA, Ac 13:14; 14:19,21; 2Ti 3:11 on the borders of Phrygia, corresponds to Yalobatch, which is distant from Aksher six hours over the mountains. This city, like the Syrian Antioch, was founded by Seleucus Nicator. Under the Romans it became a colonia, and was also called Caesarea....

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Antioch of Pisidia in Easton's Bible Dictionary

In the extreme north of Pisidia; was visited by Paul and Barnabas on the first missionary journey (Acts 13:14). Here they found a synagogue and many proselytes. They met with great success in preaching the gospel, but the Jews stirred up a violent opposition against them, and they were obliged to leave the place. On his return, Paul again visit...

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