
Bull in Smiths Bible Dictionary

terms used synonymously with ox, oxen, and properly a generic name for horned cattle when a full age and fit for the plough. It is variously rendered "bullock," Isa 65:25 "cow," Eze 4:15 "oxen," Ge 12:16 Kine is used in the Bible as the plural of cow. In Isa 51:20 the "wild bull" ("wild ox" in De 14:5 ) was possibly one of the larger species o...

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Fallow-deer in Easton's Bible Dictionary

Deut. 14:5 (R.V., "Wild goat"); 1 Kings 4:23 (R.V., "roebucks"). This animal, called in Hebrew _yahmur_, from a word meaning "to be red," is regarded by some as the common fallow- deer, the Cervus dama, which is said to be found very generally over Western and Southern Asia. It is called "fallow" from its pale-red or yellow colour. Some in...

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Pygarg in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

dishon. A clean animal (Deuteronomy 14:5). A generic name for the "white rumped (as pugarg means in Greek) antelope" of northern Africa and Syria. The Septuagint has translated the Hebrew by "pygarg"; living near the habitat of the pygarg they were likely to know. The mohr kind is best known, 2 ft. 8 in. high at the croup. The tail is long, wi...

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Roe in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

ROE or ROEBUCK. Yaalah, "chamois" (Proverbs 5:19) or ibex, the female of the wild goat. Tsebi (masculine), tsebiah (feminine), from whence Tabitha (Greek Dorkas), "loving and beloved": Acts 9:36. The beautiful antelope or gazelle, the Antelope dorcas and Antelope Arabica. Slender, graceful, shy, and timid; the image of feminine loveliness (Son...

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Pygarg Scripture - Deuteronomy 14:5

The hart, and the roebuck, and the fallow deer, and the wild goat, and the pygarg, and the wild ox, and the chamois....

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Deer in Naves Topical Bible

-Also called, FALLOW DEER, HART, HIND, ROEBUCK -Designated among the ceremonially clean animals, to be eaten De 12:15; 14:5 -Provided for Solomon's household 1Ki 4:23 -Fleetness of 2Sa 2:18; 1Ch 12:8; Pr 6:5; So 8:14; Isa 35:6 -Surefootedness of 2Sa 22:34 -Gentleness of Pr 5:19 -Coloring of Jer 14:5...

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Antelope in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

an'-te-lop (RV; the King James Version "wild ox," te'o (Dt 14:5), and "wild bull," to (Isa 51:20); orux (The Septuagint in Codex Vaticanus has hos seutlion hemiephthon, literally, "like a half-cooked beet-root"): The dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas) is widely distributed in Syria, Israel and Arabia. The recently discovered Merrill's gazelle (Ga...

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Antelope in Wikipedia

The word, first applied as a qualification to the gazelle, on account of the lustre and soft expression of its eye, has become the name of a genus of ruminant quadrupeds intermediate between the deer and the goat. Four species are mentioned in the Bible: (1) the dîshon (D.V. pygarg; Deuteronomy 14:5), commonly identified with the antilope addax; (...

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