Answers & Evidence

Evidence for The Resurrection of Christ

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a fact of history and applies to every person's life. Because Jesus died, our debt was paid. Jesus' last words on the cross was, "It is finished", the debt has been paid. His death on the cross paid the debt for your sin and His resurrection gives you life. Eddie Snipes...

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Topics in Apologetics. Brief discussions and videos for sale....

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Christian 'bias' in the NT Writers

Does it render the NT unreliable or inadmissible as evidence? [Answers]] [New Testament Studies] [Bible History]...

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Manuscript evidence for superior New Testament reliability

The New Testament is constantly under attack and its reliability and accuracy are often contested by critics. But, if the critics want to disregard the New Testament, then they must also disregard other ancient writings by Plato, Aristotle, and Homer. This is because the New Testament documents are better preserved and more numerous than any other ...

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On an objection about Luke, Quirinius, and Herods

Questions asked to Glenn Miller [Answers]] [New Testament Studies] [Bible History]...

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How The Bible Came To Us

Understanding how the Bible came to us gives us a confident foundation for our faith in the reliability the Bible. Evidence presented in a criminal case must be shown to have been protected by a proper chain of custody from being tampered with. We will be able to answer to critics when they claim that the New Testament contains 200,000 errors. We w...

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On Joshua's 'long day'

[Answers] [Bible History]...

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On the parting of the Red Sea

[Answers] [Bible History]...

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The Synoptic Problem

The Synoptic Problem concerns the literary relationship between and among the first three canonical gospels, or the "synoptic gospels." Specifically, a solution to the Synoptic Problem must account for the similarities and differences in content, order, and wording. The literary relation may be either direct (one Evangelist possessed one of the gos...

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The Transmission of the Hebrew Text

The OT was basically finished around 400 BC., but the earliest full copies (of all the books together) we have are from around 900 AD....we have fragments earlier, and can historically reconstruct the text back to around 100 AD. (beginning of the Talmudist period) this regards, the mss tradition is comparable to other classical literature...bu...

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