Ancient Warfare

Roman Centurion

The centurions who commanded the centuries belonged to the plebeian class. Between the rank of common soldier and centurion there were a large number of subalterns, called principales, who correspond roughly to the non-commissioned officers and men detailed from the ranks for special duties in modern armies....

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Ancient Helmuts

Illustrations of different helmuts worn by soldiers in ancient times....

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Ancient Standards

Standards of king's, deities and various symbols were used by armies to rally their soldiers together. In the ancient world every known culture had standards, including the Hebrews. In fact the Lord said that He Himself was Israel's banner, "Yahweh Nissi", and He would even rally the gentiles to Himself....

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Ancient Roman Army Standards

In ancient Rome the standards were an important part of the army. The standards contained many symbols: an eagle, a god, the Emperor, a wolf, a Minotaur, a horse, a boar, a ram, and others. The eagle was the symbol of the Roman legion. The standard bearer was called the Signifer....

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Trodding the Neck

This Assyrian king places his foot upon the neck of his enemy to symbolize complete subjugation and possession of the captured king....

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Prisoners Under the Footstool

This sketch is from a larger one where Pharaoh (Amenhotep II 1448-1420 BC) places his feet upon his enemies, in this case his enemies were Negroes and Semites, who were caught in a snare. Notice that the subjugated persons have their arms tied behind their backs and "have now been made his footstool." The "footstool" is mentioned in Scripture as ap...

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Counting Dead Men's Hands

This sketch represents how the Egyptians would count the severed hands of enemy corpses after a battle. They would usually cut off the hands or the genitals of the dead and make a heap before their king. In one case 12,535 of these "battle trophies" were counted and assembled into a mound after a victory of Ramsees III over the Libyans....

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Seige of Lachish

Assyrian Seige of Lachish Sketch...

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