
Ananias Scripture - Acts 9:17

And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; and putting his hands on him said, Brother Saul, the Lord, [even] Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost....

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Ananias Scripture - Acts 5:3

But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back [part] of the price of the land?...

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Ananias Scripture - Acts 24:1

And after five days Ananias the high priest descended with the elders, and [with] a certain orator [named] Tertullus, who informed the governor against Paul....

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Ananias in Wikipedia

is the Greek form of Hananiah (Hebrew for "Yahweh is gracious"), or Ananiah, a name occurring twice in the Tanakh (Nehemiah 3:23, 1 Chronicles 15:23), and several times in the New Testament and Apocrypha....

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Ananias in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

A high priest in Jerusalem from 47-59 AD. From Josephus (Ant., XX, v, 2; vi, 2; ix, 2; BJ, II, xvii, 9) we glean the following facts: He was the son of Nedebaeus (or Nebedaeus) and was nominated to the high-priestly office by Herod of Chalcis. In 52 AD he was sent to Rome by Quadratus, legate of Syria, to answer a charge of oppression bro...

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Ananias in Naves Topical Bible

1. High priest, before whom Paul was tried Ac 23:2-5; 24:1; 25:2 -2. A covetous member of church at Jerusalem. Falsehood and death of Ac 5:1-11 -3. A Christian in Damascus Ac 9:10-18; 22:12-16...

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Ananias in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(whom Jehovah has graciously given) 1. A high priest in Ac 23:2-5; 24:1 He was the son of Nebedaeus. He was nominated to the office by Herod king of Chalcis in A.D. 48; was deposed shortly before Felix left the province and assassinated by the Sicarii at the beginning of the last Jewish war. 2. A disciple at Jerusalem, husband of Sapphira. Ac...

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Ananias in Easton's Bible Dictionary

a common Jewish name, the same as Hananiah. (1.) One of the members of the church at Jerusalem, who conspired with his wife Sapphira to deceive the brethren, and who fell down and immediately expired after he had uttered the falsehood (Acts 5:5). By common agreement the members of the early Christian community devoted their property to the...

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Ananias in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

1. High priest (Acts 23:2, etc.; Acts 24:1). Son of Zebedaeus, succeeded Joseph, son of Camydus, and was followed by Ismael, son of Phabi Herod, king of Chalcis A.D. 48, appointed him. The prefect Ummidius Quadratus in A.D. 52 sent him to be tried before the emperor Claudius on the charge of oppressing the Samaritans. Cumanus the procurator, ...

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