
Alcĭphron in Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

Alcĭphron (Ἀλκίφρων). A Greek rhetorician of the second century A.D., author of a collection of 118 fictitious Letters in three books. These, written in tolerably pure style and tasteful form, profess to be from sailors, peasants, parasites, and hetaerae. They are sketches of character, ingeniously conceived and carried out, which give us a vivid p...

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Alciphron in Wikipedia

Alciphron (Gr. Ἀλκίφρων) was an ancient Greek sophist, and the most eminent among the Greek epistolographers. Regarding his life or the age in which he lived we possess no direct information whatsoever.[1] Works We possess under the name of Alciphron 116 fictional letters, in 3 books, the object of which is to delineate the characters of certain c...

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