
Ahishar in Wikipedia

Brother of song = singer, the officer who was "over the household" of Solomon (1 Kings 4:6 )....

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Ahishar in Hitchcock's Bible Names

brother of a prince; brother of a song...

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Ahishar Scripture - 1 Kings 4:6

And Ahishar [was] over the household: and Adoniram the son of Abda [was] over the tribute....

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Ahishar in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

a-hish'-ar ('achishar, "my brother has sung"): Mentioned in Solomon's list of heads of departments as "over the household" (1 Ki 4:6)....

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Ahishar in Naves Topical Bible

One of Solomon's household officers 1Ki 4:6...

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Ahishar in Smiths Bible Dictionary

the controller of Solomon's household. 1Ki 4:6...

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Ahishar in Easton's Bible Dictionary

brother of song = singer, the officer who was "over the household" of Solomon (1 Kings 4:6)....

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