
Agur in Wikipedia

(Hebrew: אגור בן יקה) was the compiler of a collection of proverbs found in Proverbs 30 , which is sometimes known as the Book of Agur or Sayings of Agur. The initial text of the chapter runs as follows (JPS translation), and bears great similarity to Isaiah 40:12-14......

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Agur in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

a'-gur ('aghur, seeming, from comparison with Arabic roots, to mean either "hireling," or "collector," "gatherer"): One of the contributors to Proverbs; his words being included in Prov 30. He takes an agnostic attitude toward God and transcendent things, and in general the range of his thought, as compared with that of other authors, is pedes...

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Agur in Naves Topical Bible

Son of Jakeh Pr 30:1...

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Agur in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(a gatherer, i.e. together of wise men), The son of Jakeh, an unknown Hebrew sage who uttered or collected the sayings of wisdom recorded in Prov 30....

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Agur in Easton's Bible Dictionary

gatherer; the collector, mentioned as author of the sayings in Prov. 30. Nothing is known of him beyond what is there recorded....

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Agur in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

From agar, "to collect." "The collector," a symbolical name, like Ecclesiastes, "the preacher" or "assembler." Son of Jakeh ("obedience"); author of inspired counsels to Ithiel and Ucal (Proverbs 30). Called "the prophecy;" rather "the weighty utterance" (Hebrew massa), "burden." Hitzig imaginatively makes him son of the queen of Massa, and br...

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Agur in Hitchcock's Bible Names

stranger; gathered together...

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Agur Scripture - Proverbs 30:1

The words of Agur the son of Jakeh, [even] the prophecy: the man spake unto Ithiel, even unto Ithiel and Ucal,...

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