
Adin in Wikipedia

Who's Who in the Old Testament together with the Apocrytha by Joan Comay states that Adin (Heb. 'delicate')1. date unknown. Ancestor of a family of Judah who returned with Zerubbabel from Exile in Babylon. Ezra 2:15; 8:6; Nehemiah 7:20....

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Adin in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

a'-din (`adhin, "adorned"): The name of a family, "the sons of Adin" (Ezr 2:15; 8:6; Neh 7:20; 10:16; 1 Esdras 5:14; 8:32), mentioned among the returning exiles. The list in Ezr 2 is placed in the midst of the narrative concerning Zerubbabel, but its title and Its contents show that it also includes the later Jewish immigrants into Israel. The...

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Adin in Naves Topical Bible

A Jewish captive Ezr 2:15; 8:6; Ne 7:20...

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Adin in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(dainty, delicate), ancestor of a family who returned form Babylon with Zerubbabel, to the number of 454, Ezr 2:15 or 655 according to the parallel list in Ne 7:20 (B.C. 536.) They joined with Nehemiah in a covenant to separate themselves from the heathen. Ne 10:16 (B.C. 410.)...

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Adin in Easton's Bible Dictionary

effeminate. (1.) Ezra 8:6. (2.) Neh. 10:16....

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Adin in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

1. Ezra 2:15; Ezra 8:6. 2. Nehemiah 10:16....

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Adin Scripture - Ezra 8:6

Of the sons also of Adin; Ebed the son of Jonathan, and with him fifty males....

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Adin Scripture - Ezra 8:6

Of the sons also of Adin; Ebed the son of Jonathan, and with him fifty males....

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Adin Scripture - Ezra 2:15

The children of Adin, four hundred fifty and four....

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